About Us2024-11-28T15:42:10-06:00

About the Kenora Chiefs Advisory

News and Events

Code of Ethics

The code of ethics are the organizations guiding principles. OGIMAAWABIITONG is dedicated and committed to “Excellence in all that we do”. The ethics along with the Seven Teachings speak to how the organization operates; in relation to interaction amongst clients, staff, members and other stakeholders. The following ethics and teachings reflect in both decision-making and service delivery:

  • Honour and respect the beliefs, traditions and values of the Anishinaabe people who we provide services to;
  • Respect Confidentiality;
  • Adhere to all policies and procedures outlined in the OGIMAAWABIITONG Finance and Personnel Manuals;
  • I will promote and maintain at all times, THROUGH MY ACTIONS AND WORDS, the integrity and dignity of OGIMAAWABIITONG, its programs, staff, and member communities;
  • Avoid conflicts of interests between work and personal affairs;
  • OGIMAAWABIITONG encourages fairness and diversity and of all backgrounds and experiences in the workplace; and
  • OGIMAAWABIITONG shall maintain a culture which recognizes and values ethical conduct through the following Seven Sacred Teachings.

The Seven Sacred Teachings

HONESTY…Gwayko Bimaadiziwin
Don’t lie or steal, WALK WITH HONOUR…
Gego giwanimookan gemaa gego gimoodikan.

We are all personally accountable for what we say and do. If you believe in yourself, respect your actions, YOU ARE LIVING THE TRUTH…
Weweni chi nagagidoowin gazhichige’ing. Debwewin ezhibimaadiziwin.

Respect means never hurting or humiliating your colleagues by unkind words or gossip. TO HONOUR ALL OF CREATION IS TO HAVE RESPECT…
Gaawinn awiiyaa chi-dizhimaad.

Don’t be afraid to stand up for what you believe in; take risks and learn something new, STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE…
Gego zhaawenimooken chimishkogabawi’in. Gagwe gikendaan gegoo endaaso gizhiig.

Love means showing compassion and understanding towards yourself and others. ASPIRING TO LIVE IN TRUTH & HARMONY…
Zhaawendig miinawaa Zhaawendizon. Gagwe biminiizhaa’on mino bimaadiziwin.

Show your humility by asking colleagues for their opinions and giving credit for their assistance and ideas. TO BE HUMBLE IS TO ACKNOWLEDGE OUR LIMITATIONS…
Gagwejiim gaawiidinookimadwaa gainendamowad. Dabaasaandizon.

Wisdom is seeking to learn all that we can in a respectful manner and to take the time to reflect upon our teachings…
Apane gagwe gikandaan gegoowan. Nanagadawendon Anishinaabe gikinomaa’igewin.

Elder & Youth Councils

Elder Council

Allan White (Organization Elder) Naotkamegwanning First Nation (Whitefish Bay)
Andy White Naotkamegwanning First Nation (Whitefish Bay)
Susan Fobister Asubpeeschoseewagong First Nation (Grassy Narrows)
Merv Copenance Niisaachewan Anishinaabe Nation
Lillian Henry Shoal Lake #40 First Nation
Phylls Shaugabay Washagamis Bay First Nation
George Land Wabaseemoong Independent Nations (Whitedog)
Agnes Paul Northwest Angle #33 First Nation
Lynn Skead Wauzhushk Onigum Nation (Rat Portage)
Luanne Kavanaugh Animakee Wa Zhing #37 First Nation

Youth Council

Board of Directors

Chief Lorraine Cobiness, President Niisaachewan Anishinaabe Nation
Chief Gary Tom Naotkamegwanning Fist Nation (Whitefish Bay)
Chief Chris Skead, Secretary/Treasurer Wauzhushk Onigum Nation (Rat Portage)
Chief Waylon Scott Wabaseemoong First Nation (Whitedog)
Chief Kevin Redsky Shoal Lake 40 First Nation
Chief Rudy Turtle Asubpeeschoseewagong First Nation (Grassy Narrows)
Chief Darlene Comegan Northwest Angle 33 First Nation
Chief Marvin Sinclair Washagamis Bay First Nation

In the Community

Strategic Plan

Organization Mandate

The Kenora Chiefs Advisory is an alliance of independent, participating First Nations within the Western Region and has been incorporated and in operation since 1995. The Kenora Chiefs Advisory’s mandate is to provide programs and services to the First Nations in the field of health, education and social services in a holistic, traditional way ensuring the survival of the Anishinaabe way in the present and future generations.

Chiefs from each of the eight communities constitute a board of directors and govern Kenora Chiefs Advisory (KCA) while the day-to-day operations are managed by the Executive Director. These Chiefs are accountable to the First Nations that they represent.

Ogimaawabiitong kimaadanokiiwag 1995 chi wiisookaawad Anishinaabeg gezhi mino bimaadizid. Zhaangachiwag okimaakanag ganamadibiyad imaa Ogimaawabiitong.

KCA Annual Report 2023-24

A summary of the activities undertaken by KCA in the 2023/2024 fiscal year. This report is intended to inform our membership about what KCA has been doing in order to be more responsive to the needs of and the issues within our member communities.

The Board of Directors and the staff of KCA continue to go above and beyond to meet the needs of our communities and their members. We thank our Board of Directors, Elders Council, Youth Council and staff for all of their hard work and dedication throughout the year.

Thanks to these dedicated individuals, we have continued to grow as an organization, expanding our service delivery and welcoming a host of new employees. Without all of you, Kenora Chiefs Advisory would not have grown into the organization that it is today.

KCA Annual Report 2022-23

Read the KCA Annual Report

KCA Annual Report 2021-22

Read the KCA Annual Report

KCA Annual Report 2020-21

Read the KCA Annual Report

KCA Annual Report 2018-19

Read the KCA Annual Report
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