KCA’s Right to Play Team and youth volunteers helped clean up the City of Kenora on April 29, 2024.

We’d like to send a huge Miigwetch to our youth volunteers and our Right to Play team for helping celebrate Earth Day and clean up our community!

On April 29, members of Ogimaawabiitong (Kenora Chiefs Advisory)’s Right to Play team organized a community clean-up day in the City of Kenora with local youth and youth from surrounding communities, in honour of Earth Day on April 22.

After filling garbage bags at various stops across the community, including the Harbourfront, Overhead Bridge, 3rd Street North, and more – the youth were all treated to a pizza party at the Moncrief Construction Sports Centre.

Miigwetch once again to our youth volunteers for their work in helping to keep our community clean! We’d also like to send a Miigwetch to the City of Kenora and the Discovery Centre for lending us garbage pickers and bags for the day.

Ogimaawabiitong’s Right to Play program is designed to promote health, wellness and social connection among children and youth through play and various sports and activities.

Our Community Mentors provide regular activities in our eight partner communities in Treaty #3. Activities vary in each community but generally include sports and recreational activities, community and inter-community events, sports clinics, team challenges and cultural activities.

Right to Play is an international organization that supports over 2 million children and youth in 14 countries in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, while supporting Indigenous youth across Canada. Through partnerships with Indigenous communities, Right to Play supports local programs that offer Indigenous youth the ability to make positive change in their lives and their communities.