Photo: Anida Ross gifted Makwa Patrol her beaded Makwa crest to hang in our office

Ogimaawabiitong (Kenora Chiefs Advisory) is so thankful for the support of our community members and for the support of those in need in the Kenora area to be able to celebrate the Kenora Makwa Patrol’s 4th anniversary.

Community members, Community Council members, patrons, Elders, emergency responders, leadership, and front-line staff all joined together with members of the Kenora Makwa Patrol on September 13th to celebrate the occasion.

The day’s gathering began with a welcoming prayer from elder George Land, followed by traditional opening and honour songs from Treaty #3 drummers and KCA’s Grandmother drum, Shawanoong Banaise’seek.

Manager of the Kenora Makwa Patrol, Jennifer Lebel, later welcomed community members with a speech on the importance of the Patrol’s work – highlighting how patrollers have been able to build trust and relationships with those most vulnerable, and are able to provide support in a more appropriate manner than police in many situations.

After a free community lunch, gifts were then given to front-line staff to recognize their efforts.

“This is a very hard, but rewarding job,” said Lebel. “And it’s important to take a moment and recognize what they do. Makwa staff wear many different hats during shifts. They are friends, guides, nurses, teachers, parents, counsellors, role models, protectors and advocates. I have watched staff struggling with their own personal issues but putting them aside to come and work with the patrons. This takes great personal strength and I commend them for that.”

“It has been an honor to be part of the Kenora Makwa Patrol’s presence in the City of Kenora over the past four years, supporting our vulnerable population and witnessing its growth into a vital and much-needed service for the community,” said KCA’s Director of Community Health and Social Services, Veronica Fobister.

“We try our best as people, whether you’re Anishinaabe or non-Anishinaabe. It’s in our hearts. It’s hard-wired in us to help,” said Wauzhushk Onigum Chief and KCA Secretary/Treasurer, Chris Skead.

Community partners who joined the celebration included Kenora City Councillor Barb Manson and Mayor Andrew Poirier, Elders Allan White, George Land and Agnes Paul, Lake of the Woods District Hospital Staff, patrons of the Makwa Patrol, and Anida Ross – who helped to set us on the path to creating the Makwa Patrol after the loss of her daughter, Delaine Copenace.

“I wish we had this resource when my daughter went missing. It’s been 8 years since she’s been gone,” said Ross. “I really want to thank you for all that you do. It’s not easy. Your hard work and dedication doesn’t go unnoticed.”

“It’s vitally important. Without it, I’m not sure what we’d do some days,” explained Kenora Mayor Andrew Poirier. “You see that yourself, and you see the benefit you bring to the community and to those individuals that need a little bit of assistance. Thank you very much, keep up the good work, and we will continue to support you.”

“You allow us to respond to more emergency situations, and we thank you very much,” said Staff Sergeant of the Kenora OPP, Grant Cowles. “You may not get the appreciation you deserve day-in and day-out, but myself and my officers really appreciate the work that you put in. Thank you very much for making this possible.”

Today’s celebration took place downtown at the City of Kenora’s new Self-Cleaning Washroom, which also serves as a Satellite Office for Makwa Patrol staff and those in need.

Lebel explains that supplies are available for anyone in need, and the new location has been vital to ensuring everyone receives the care that they need. Further supplies and clothing items are also available to individuals and service providers at the Kenora Makwa Patrol’s Administrative Office at 1008 Ottawa Street, Keewatin.

“The community’s support over the last 4 years of the service is invaluable, and we wouldn’t be able to provide our services to the vulnerable population without such strong support,” adds Lebel. “We now have a large area in the basement that is set up like a store. Any agencies or the vulnerable population are free to request whatever they need, and we’ll provide it. We have everything there.”

Ogimaawabiitong once again would like to say Miigwetch to everyone who joined in the day’s celebration, to community partners for their ongoing support, and to the front-line staff who make this service a reality.

Since 2020, the Kenora Makwa Patrol has worked to assist those in need in the Kenora area, including those most vulnerable and in need of help, access various services. The Kenora Makwa Patrol, led by KCA, the Kenora District Services Board, Treaty #3 Police Service, and the OPP, works with various partners as a community-based solution to crime prevention.

Donations to the Kenora Makwa Patrol can be arranged at any time by calling 807-464-7233. The most needed items at this time of the year include warm clothes, socks, shoes, non-perishable food items, and blankets.

If you or anyone you know requires Makwa Patrol Services, please call 807-464-SAFE.