A total of nine teepees have been purchased by Kenora Chiefs Advisory (KCA) for the Youth and Family Wellness Camp.  

These teepees were purchased to represent the nine communities that Ogimaawabiitong works with. The goal is to create a space for communities that can be customized to represent their individual needs. A space where each community can feel represented.  

Tony Solomon, an expert from British Columbia, made the journey to Kenora to help the team at the Youth and Family Wellness Camp build two of the nine teepees.  

Solomon worked with the team from start to finish while telling the group stories of how the teepee poles were picked. They also received teachings on the significance of the teepees and how they were used by indigenous peoples. 

The two completed teepees were feasted to complete the set-up ceremony.   

The teepees that were set up with Solomon will be kept in a temporary location and will stay set up through the fall.  

All nine of the teepees will be set up in the spring in their new location at the camp. They will stay up for three of the seasons, coming down each winter.